About Us
How It All Started
Veriscope was born out of the need to have a reliable platform for verifying User Generated Content (UGC) for journalists and other media professionals. It originated with one simple question: what if there was a platform where anyone could post instantly verified UGC? In 2018, our founder and CEO, Carl Khouri Klink, was reporting in Lebanon. He received a news alert that Hezbollah supporters had constructed a roadblock across the main highway leading to the Beirut Airport.
Carl’s first instinct was to search for video footage of the event on all major social media platforms. After an hour, he found one video claiming to feature the ongoing roadblock and erupting violence. After spending several hours attempting to verify the video using a range of online tools, it turned out to be old footage that was being recirculated to create panic and animosity online.
Veriscope is the answer to the question Carl asked himself in Lebanon six years ago and has been developing into the accessible, trustworthy platform it is today. It is poised to change the landscape of any sectors (media, intelligence, information gathering) in need of quick, reliable, and authentic footage."